What is Conscious Connected Breathing?
Conscious connected breathing is a breathing technique that connects the inhale to the exhale in an uninterrupted flow without pause with the focus on the inhale. Breathing in this way can release negative emotions and energy suppressed in the body from birth to present and creates the opportunity for the letting go of the past and resolve issues. This enables liberation from limiting patterns and beliefs and creates space for acceptance, love, freedom and transformation.
Physiology of Conscious Connected Breathing
Most people intuitively believe that breathing faster and deeper than normal, in a connected way, increases oxygenation in the body and brain. This is incorrect. Conscious connected breathing primarily decreases carbon dioxide concentrations in the body.
The decrease in carbon dioxide changes the pH of the blood, making it more basic which causes red blood cells to bind to oxygen in a stronger way, releasing let of it into tissues and the brain. In addition, decrease in carbon dioxide causes blood vessels to shrink in size. These factors together, create a temporary low-oxygen environment in the brain and the body.
When occurring acutely and periodically, low oxygen environments create adaptive stress on neurons. Gordon S. Mitchell PhD, one of the lead researchers in this field, has demonstrated that low oxygen environments stimulate neurons to release brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), increasing neural growth and plasticity. In fact, intermittent acute hypoxia is currently being explored in clinical trials for treating spinal cord injuries. By creating a temporary low oxygen environment, we are creating the environment for our brain to change and generate new connections.
This is potentially why Conscious Connected Breathing is so effective at changing thoughts and behavior.
You can learn more about the science of Conscious Connected Breathing at psybreath.com.
Private and Group Sessions
The breathwork experience can be done in either a private or group setting online or in person, which ever is safe and appropriate at the time. The process takes about 90 minutes. The participants have generally, consistently reported a considerable drop in tension and stress and can see immediate applications in their work and life. Those who want to pursue issues more deeply sign up for a breathwork process. This would usually consist of 10 - 15 weekly sessions over a three to four month period.
Online Sessions
The Internet and COVID has allowed all of us to adapt to a new environment of engagement. Together we can share in a remarkable adventure that will free you from your past, open your heart, and shift you into a new way of perceiving your world; all from the comforts of your home.
Our online sessions utilize Zoom video software and last 60 - 90 minutes per session.
What most people experience in the breathwork process is:
Taking responsibility for their lives
Accepting themselves and their past experiences
Breath awareness
Letting-go of past hurts
A greater willingness to move through fear
A greater sense of peace and relaxation
Emotional healing
Deeper acceptance of yourself and past experiences
Relived depression
Assist in anxiety / stress
Greater ability to process fear
Freedom from judgement
Promotes physical and emotional wellbeing
Increased breath awareness
Releases toxins held in the body
Increase cellular oxygenation
Boost immune system