My work with clients has been rewarding in many ways. I am amazed and touched by the lives of others and by the process of their healing. To see how we are all different and yet so similar makes me keenly aware of our uniqueness and our connectedness in spirit.

“I’m not overstating it when I say breathwork with Jack has changed my life. From the first time I experienced a group session my life’s path started to rapidly open up and reveal itself to me. Within 8 short months of regular sessions I was led to discovering my life’s work guiding men’s retreats. I’ve never been more fulfilled and know without a doubt the breathwork was the magical secret ingredient.”
Albert Pellissier
“Jack has been source of groundedness, discovery, change, and growth in my life for over fifteen years. He has been a guiding light through two of my most significant spiritual emergent life altering experiences. Most recently he held the space of being my spiritual coach and helped me connect to the higher power within myself and was witness and cheer leader to me claiming my spiritual path and power. One of the most beautiful men I know.”
Jeremy Love
“I am a licensed psychologist in Louisiana. I have known Jack for 25 years and have been a former client and more recently one of his breathwork assistants for the past few years. Jack's presence emanates loving acceptance and safety. My breathwork experiences with Jack have been the most powerful and profound healing work that I have ever experienced and far surpass any traditional therapy experience. If you're ready for deep healing, take that next big step for yourself. It'll likely be the most important work you'll have ever done!”
Gail Gillespie
“I have so much gratitude for Jack and Breathwork. Through Breathwork I have not only released past trauma but also the habits and addictions I developed to cope with those traumas. Working with Jack has changed my life for the better! I flow through life’s obstacles with much more ease. I’ve worked with Jack since 2012, but working with him virtually in 2020 was magical. I’m excited to see how my Breathwork journey continues to unfold! Thank you Jack for being an amazing healer and guide!”
Nicole Hariel