Online Breathwork Sessions
If you are new to this work WONDERFUL and welcome! The Internet and COVID has allowed all of us to adapt to a new environment of engagement. Together we can share in a remarkable adventure that will free you from your past, open your heart, and shift you into a new way of perceiving your world; all from the comforts of your home.
An initial 15min intake call is required for all first timers at least 48hrs prior to workshop. This gives you and me the chance to meet and answer any questions ahead of time.
Our online sessions utilize Zoom video software and last 60 - 90 minutes per session.
NOT RECOMMENDED for those with the following conditions:
Detached Retina or recent eye surgery.
Seizure Disorder/Epilepsy not regulated with medication.
History of aneurysms.
Please let me know if you have experienced major trauma 48hrs prior to the session.
If you have been diagnosed with major mental illness, please call me before joining the session.
You will need a computer or laptop with internet connection, internet browser, webcam, speakers, headphones, and a microphone. If you’ve never used Zoom before, click here: zoom.us/test to test and see how it works before class.
When you click on the link, Zoom will take you through downloading the program and the easy joining process. It will ask you if you want to use computer audio, click on computer audio.
Turn on your webcam and by doing this I will be able to see you. Your webcam must stay on for duration of workshop so that I can guide and communicate with you during the breathwork.
Zoom works with laptops, desktops, tablets and phones.
Zoom Video Software
Instructions for Online Conscious Breathwork
Download the Zoom Software (laptop desktop) or App (phone or tablet) at least 30min prior to the scheduled session.
Test computer audio 15min before the session- tech issues have a way of manifesting just before the event!
Please make sure you have privacy, that your phone is on silent and on vibrate and close out all other programs outside of Zoom to maintain optimum connectivity.
Please make sure your children, partner, roommate and animals are safely stored in the overhead compartment and that the aisles are clear…..kidding!
You do need to be completely free to focus on this experience and I strongly encourage you to hire a sitter for people or pets so that you can fully relax and be present for yourself. Splitting your attention in any way will decrease the likelihood of receiving the healing benefits of breathwork.
Please set yourself up on the floor or on your bed- you may find that pillows under your knees help support your lower back.
Pillows under the head should be flat- thick pillows distort your neck and your airway. I prefer to go without a pillow
Have a blanket nearby in case you get cold- this is common with the work. Many participants report becoming alternatively hot and cold during sessions.
Please make sure to go to the restroom just before the session. You may be light-headed or dizzy during the session. This is a normal physiological response and safe. Once you begin breathing, remain on your mat or in your bed throughout the entire session.
Movement such as light rocking, yoga moves, stretching, even punching the air is encouraged, but standing or walking is not allowed.
I must have a clear view of your abdomen, chest, throat, and face during the session so that I can coach you in moving your breath freely, so please set up your computer so I may see you.
Lighting should be low, but not dark, so I can see you. Keeping your eyes closed is most effective and highly recommended.
Wear comfortable clothes and please wear pants!
Do not eat heavily at least 2hrs before the session.
Have a water bottle nearby and tissue within reach.
You may want to have a journal and pen within reach.
We will have a brief share, and expect your process to continue after the session is over. Use any self-care technique that provides comfort. Be gentle with yourself! Time to integrate awarenesses and your emotions is essential to making the most of your experience. Allowing it to unfold organically requires space and private time. Give yourself time to absorb your experience.
I am available to discuss your concerns or questions at any time. We can schedule a 15 minute phone conversation or you may schedule a full consultation or private session.
After the Session